Saturday, January 10, 2009

Up date.

I really didn't get to finish my blog for Christmas the way that I wanted to. Just after writing it we all got sick. It started with the general evacuation type flu. That was fun, lost of washing and I'm sure that we will have a terrifily high water bill with all the flushing and baths. Then we all got the cold and aches type flu. For me that was even more fun, I just stayed in bed for 2 days. That started for me on Friday and the next Wednesday was Joyces wedding. Well somehow we got it all done. I just ordered all the food and my wonderful Karen helped a great deal with serving, setting up and running around. It turned out beautiful. Once again, I don't have pictures because my camara is broken. How ever I did get some Christmas pictures of the grandkids from another camera.

Here is a cut picture of the kids putting on the Nativity at our Ollerton Family Christmas Eve eve party. We had about 105 family members in attenance.

Katie and Lacy in a rare quiet moment.

Chantal's children in the pj's that she made, I had to include a picture of Brian by himself because he is alway goofing around and I rarely get such a cute picture of him.