Monday, June 22, 2009

New buttons that I want to share.

Did you notice the buttons under my header "beautiful things... " and "hearts"? My girls have all been helping me get my blog just the way I want it and so I have been working hard to get it up and going again. Back to the buttons, Charmaine programed them for me and I just love them. Please take a look and enjoy a little glimpse into my life. I have a lot of fun with the talents that my daughters are teaching me and I hope that you will also follow the links of my family members. The girls are so clever and we are also trying hard to get Samuel married. (That's for fun and for real.) Anyway enjoy it all. Be sure to check out my older posts if you have not been on in a while.
Love, Susan


Chantal said...

love your new look! and the buttons are perfect!