Look who Charmaine and I saw in Ames. Can you believe it? ____(Fill in the blank)____ was in the country showing their country side to all of us. Ye Haw! Just another reason I love Ames. All kinds of family show up there.
Look who Charmaine and I saw in Ames. Can you believe it? ____(Fill in the blank)____ was in the country showing their country side to all of us. Ye Haw! Just another reason I love Ames. All kinds of family show up there.
When Samuel and I were married in 1979, I decide that I wanted to start a collection that reflected me and my interests. I thought long and hard and decided that nativities would be it! I bought my first nativity that first Christmas together with the intent of getting a new set each following year. Well, somehow that once-a-year purchase turned into several purchases every year and hundreds of sets. I just love them, and whenever I see a nativity I think of the many great gifts that I have been given and from where they came. I think about gifts I have that I could share with the Christ child and the living adult Christ. I hope that through this blog, you will get the sure feeling that it is Heavenly Father that I am worshiping and His Son Jesus Christ. I do love Them and am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent His Son to us to show us the way back home. I hope you enjoy this "Fuller" collection of nativities from around the world.